This year, Kunes Mad City Mitsubishi of Madison was selected by News 3 Now to participate in their community driven initiative The 12 Days of Giving. Local agencies in the area help News 3 Now find and select 12 families, individuals, or non-profit organizations who have created a wish list for items that they need. Together, with the help of Stoughton Resettlement Assistance Program, we were able to help the Romashchenko family this holiday season.
The Romashchenkos fled their home in Ukraine shortly after the Russians invaded. They were forced to leave everything behind, including their dog, family, and personal belongings. Fortunately, the Romashchenkos found refuge through the support of Stoughton’s Resettlement Assistance Program, shortly after they came to Wisconsin in April.
As one of the families who was selected for The 12 Days of Giving, the Romashchenkos were in desperate need of a reliable car to get back and forth places. Our general manager, Andy Busch, was delighted to provide the family with a 2014 Chevrolet Equinox. The Chevy Equinox can handle Wisconsin winters far better than the Honda Civic that they were previously driving. Additionally, News 3 Now gave a new laptop to the Romashchenko’s daughter, who is a very talented artist.
Andy Busch was grateful for having the opportunity to help the Romashchenkos this year, and gave thanks to all of those who made the 12 Days of Giving initiative possible.
“Thank you to News 3 for having the 12 days of giving and approaching us and the resettlement organization for what they do because we love to give back. So without partners like you guys, we couldn’t do what we do either, so thank you!”
Andy Busch